Today India and world is undergoing sea change at the speed of light.Technology has invaded every space ,greed has become the social status and means to end has become outdated and it's the end that's what matters to this generation and next but there are few idealists who do not fit into this mainstream fit of society and will always be bracketed as MISFITS and here are the excepts of an interview conducted of a MISFIT.[M]
Q: What is your problem ?
M: The large scale deviation from TRUTH & ACCEPTED RULES in society and this being appreciated and rewarded !
Q: In what way?
M: When we are growing up we are fed on moralistic and idealistic stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita,Chandamama, Amar Chitra Katha, Indrajal Comics, TinTin, stories about freedom fighters, etc.Later we are reinforced of the same through text books,plays,films etc .This forms the basic psyche of the growing child and this child transforms into adolescent and into youth.This leads to a clash in his mind and heart and the way society is treating the same thing which it has preached in his childhood and he or she seeks answers about this deviation.
Q: Please cite an example ...
M: OK. All of us even an illiterate knows he has to share the nature's resources equally and create a natural ecological balance.My mother being a social studies teacher asked me to explore the causes of all the negative forces in this universe and from all the knowledge points I have landed up believing that POPULATION explosion is the real cause for all the imbalances.
Q: How ?
M: A man assume his name as P has 3 friends Q, R and S. All are middle aged and have children of marriageable age and are living in small 2 rooms-independent houses,300 square yards to 500 square yards premises in a colony.P working in a central government organisation, Q working with state government , R a private employee and S works with a Public sector undertaking.P has 1 son, Q has 3 daughters, R has a son and daughter and S has 2 daughters and 2 sons.These friends based on the future financial needs plan to outsource their houses to a builder on development basis and also take care of their old age and subsequent property distribution.
Q: I am not seeing the main point ....
M: Patience is a virtue my friend , kindly get out of your TRP mindset and allow things to unfold and assimilate the knowledge being shared and this is once in a lifetime so please pay attention and listen carefully.OK are we on the same wavelength
Q. OK let me try ....I agree...Let see..
M: As the construction work begins , all the friends have respective contracts.P goes for g
+1 model, Q goes for G + 5 floors,R goes for g+2 model, and S goes for G+7 model such that the respective couple end up with possession of 2 flats for their own old age stay and monthly rent +pension is their planning and balance will be given their children in the form of asset and some will be sold to generate revenue for the builder.
Q: So,..this is natural...
M: Now see what happens ,Because of the model of construction the ground water digging goes unabated leading to disturbance of ground water table and the man with the financial resources goes on digging flouting all rules and giving a damn to his own friends needs .The frictions begins, groups are formed division starts in the name of caste , area, religion etc .The chopping of trees,building doors, windows etc leads to ecological imbalance.
Q.I see your point elaborate
M.Thanks. Knowing pretty well that these are against the basic rules set up by the govt regulatory body as Municipal or others ,Except P rest manage through bribe and giving a damn to all basic morals and justify themselves as "even" others have done it and this never ends.The sufferer here is the P who with his simplistic life and high intelligence and adherer to moralistic and legalistic points enumerated by , of , for the society is shocked and a suffers silently as he does not want to hurt Q R and S.Even educating them is futile he realizes as " bible should not be told to buffaloes".That's what is the driving point.
Q: So you say adopt family planing to manage country better.
M: Obviously.It should be made mandatory irrespective of caste , area or religion and should be dealt with serious financial and societal boycott mechanisms.
Q: More please ....
M: I cannot change the world, I cannot change India, I cannot change my state but I can make effort to change society in my colony or municipal or gram panchayat level.Applying rules equivalently to all.When drinking water is being supplied , it has become a norm in every colony to suck it directly by fixing motors instead of allowing it to fall in a tank and later pump it.No accountability or transparency of taxes being collected and no proper authentic audit mechanism.
Q: So what's the solution
M: I wont say this is 100% fool proof but this can bring in a measure of sanity in the present chaotic administration right from mandal to central level.That is e-literacy, e governance and REAL TIME NETWORKING of taxes, audits,legal, judicial , administrative and police reforms.Allocation of funds where property taxes have been promptly paid , electricity bills and water bills paid on schedule else face disconnection and this should be in place NO MATTER who the BIG SHOT is and the lowest front end worker should be empowered to enact this basic law.
Q: How?
M: Integrate the property tax, water bill and current bill in a single machine as its being done by the electricity board and disconnect anyone who does not fulfill the same monthly this leads to increased revenues and better fund management.Database of every builder , architect and tax collector has to be integrated.Apart from this all of us are aware that power cuts are a reality , let us a have a proper timing for that and during that time Drinking water supply should be effected such that this can save two things water wastage and water theft.This can happen only when we think ahead and plan for a ecologically balanced future for our children
Q: What?
M: Yes.You might have a 1 crore house or 25 lakhs flat but what's the use when you are fighting with your neighbor everyday and leading to stressed out future for our kids.Just think...is this the future you want to give your loved ones?
Next world war will be on water not on oil.Take it from me. WHAT SAY?
Q: I agree but I have to rush its water time in my house and if I do not switch on my motor , I cannot run for office tomorrow.Thanks for your interview ,I doubt this will be published .Anyway thanks for the GYAN
M: That's what MISFITS are FOR , sharing GYAN
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